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10 Science-Backed Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language

Feb 18th, 2024 at 03:43   Learning   Norcross   175 views Reference: 5728

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As our world continues to become more and more globalized, people seek opportunities to develop useful skills in this age of quick communication and collaboration. Bilingualism is one of the most beneficial skills that can help you communicate with people from all over the world. And learning a second language is about choosing a proactive approach. There’s no sense in expecting everyone to speak your language. If you want to build new connections, you need to adapt, and learning another language enables you to do it. Unfortunately, only about 18% of Americans can fluently speak more than one language, so understanding the benefits of learning is really important. Knowing different languages is great for communication. This isn’t, however, the only advantage of learning languages. Numerous studies have demonstrated that expanding your vocabulary and learning new languages is directly related to the cognitive process. When you’re bilingual, your brain operates in a slightly different way, and such a difference can be quite beneficial for you. In this article, we’re going to consider the science-backed benefits of learning foreign languages so that you can figure out how learning can benefit you and help you achieve your specific goals.